Showing posts with label dieting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dieting. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2018

lastest update

sorry its late, the last week just got away from me completely.  did a vintage/craft show this weekend.  did pretty good.  got some orders for a few things, sold some stuff i didn't expect to sell.  i have a better idea what someone will be looking for next time, so thats always a plus.

on the personal front, another plateau as far as weight loss goes.  its just a matter of waiting it out, and maybe adding extra exercise time, or make a change in what i'm eating.  as long as i'm not gaining weight i'm happy.  on the walking front, I completed 26.99 miles leaving another 171.88 to meet my goal, and i walked 141813 steps leaving 1956423 to walk in order to meet my goal.

i got my room paid for for the  crochet guild of america conference in july.  tomorrow i will be able to sign up for the classes i want to take.  will be nice to get away from the valley and head to oregon in july for a couple of weeks.

thats it for now.  got a lot of work i need to get done before the vintage/antique show this weekend.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Blog, New Start

After a three year hiatus from blogging for my online craft business I decided to scrap the old blog and start new.  Especially since I have decided to take the business in a new direction.  I will still me concentrating on finished crocheted items, but I plan to add my own patterns, as well as other finished craft items, and vintage craft supplies and patterns to my shops.  Yes shops.  I have one on etsy :  EcoDeco and one on Bonanza:  The Sassy Crafter.

After a great deal of crunching numbers, and taking a couple of years off after my Mothers death to lung cancer, I am ready to jump back into the business of crafting with both feet.  I have started slow, with just a few things listed on both sites at this time.  That will change as the days go by.  I hope to have two, fully stocked shops by the end of July.

Along with restarting my business.  I am restarting myself.  I started a diet last year in July when I topped the scale at 247 pounds.  Way too much weight for a 5 foot small boned woman to carry.  I have lost down to 213 pounds just by making better choices in what I eat and walking at least half to one mile daily.  My goal is to be down to 110 - 120 by the end of 2018.

I will be adding bells and whistles to this blog as I go along,  For now its just a bare bones, plain jane undertaking.