Monday, April 23, 2018

update time

Well I did two shows the past two weekends, one I will definitely do again, the other maybe if I don't have anything else going on that weekend.  I am also doing a farmers market that is strictly for handcrafted, and homemade items at a local Tractor Supply Store in Dinuba on the 5th of May.  We shall see how it goes.  Its free to set up, and its only 15 minutes from my house. 

I went to a Rusty Roots show Sunday.   I found some great display items for my craft room, and for showing off finished products.  I am really thinking I would like to try and get into the next one they have in the area.  I do believe my products would sell well.

I have booked my room, and signed up for three classes at the Crochet Guild Conference going on in Oregon this July.  It will be my first conference, and luckily it is within driving distance (a 14  hour drive but I am breaking it down into two days.)  That makes it nice because I can visit my best friend and her family in Seaside for a few days after the conference before heading home.  I will probably stretch the trip home out into three days.  I really can't wait.   I'm told next summers conference will be on the East Coast.  If I can swing it I hope to go to it as well.  We shall see.

I am working on some different crafts for the next two shows I have coming up.  I am going to try and post some pictures of them later this week.  Lets just say, flip flops, and buckets. 

On the personal front, I lost another pound, leaving only 85.8 pounds to go to meet my goal.  I knocked another 11.03 miles off the mileage total I am trying to make, leaving 160.80 to go.  And I made 63114 steps, leaving 1893309 steps to go.

Monday, April 16, 2018

lastest update

sorry its late, the last week just got away from me completely.  did a vintage/craft show this weekend.  did pretty good.  got some orders for a few things, sold some stuff i didn't expect to sell.  i have a better idea what someone will be looking for next time, so thats always a plus.

on the personal front, another plateau as far as weight loss goes.  its just a matter of waiting it out, and maybe adding extra exercise time, or make a change in what i'm eating.  as long as i'm not gaining weight i'm happy.  on the walking front, I completed 26.99 miles leaving another 171.88 to meet my goal, and i walked 141813 steps leaving 1956423 to walk in order to meet my goal.

i got my room paid for for the  crochet guild of america conference in july.  tomorrow i will be able to sign up for the classes i want to take.  will be nice to get away from the valley and head to oregon in july for a couple of weeks.

thats it for now.  got a lot of work i need to get done before the vintage/antique show this weekend.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Well the week is going well so far.  Had a great Easter with my brother and sister-in-law.  The scale has started dropping again, Yay.   I am getting stuff ready for a vintage/repurposed sale coming up at the end of April.  Then I have a vintage/craft show coming up in May, possibly another vintage show coming up in May, and a craft boutique coming up in June.  In between all this I have to finish planting my small vegetable garden, get some tile work done in my bathroom, figure out what color I want to paint my home, and get ready for a trip to the coast at the beginning of May, and a trip to Oregon in July.  Oh, and getting stuff ready for the shows I have coming up.  Can you say busy. 

Any way total for my weight loss 1.6 pounds leaving 86.8 to go, 12.38 miles walked leaving  198.82 to go, and 82054 steps walked leaving 2098236 to go