Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Redoing my front yard

So I've spent the last week redoing my front yard. I have broken it up into sections. I am almost finished with the 1st section.  It had a lot of crushed red brick and just a little white rock, and river rock.  I prefer the white rock and river rock, so I have been taking up all the red brick, laying down new weed barrier, and now I am ready to start laying the white rock and river rock down.  I am adding several new walk ways first, and using stepping stones to use as planter bases.  I plan on doing a lot of succulents in planters. I am using a lot of different sized and styles of planters, as I don't really want a "cookie cutter" look to the yard. 

When everything is complete I'll take some pictures and show it off.  That may be a couple of months down the road.  As I am also doing a recurring craft show each month, a June craft show, and a recurring vintage/repurposed/craft show each month.  I am also getting ready to take off for the Crochet Guild of America conference at the end of July.  So pretty busy right now.

Good news on the weight loss front, I dropped another 8 tenths of a pound this past week.  I still need to lose 82.8 pounds to reach my goal weight.  I added another 8.01 miles to my annual goal I set for myself this year, I still have 118.98 miles to go.  And I knocked off another 77587 steps off my annual goal I set for myself, leaving 1637594 steps to go.

Will check in again next week.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Updates for the week

So the scale went down another 6 tenths of a pound.  I'll take any weight loss I can get.  I still need to lose 83.6 pounds.  I managed to get another 9.59 miles logged. This brings the total left to walk to meet my goal for this year down to 126.49 miles.   And I logged 67113 steps.  So to meet my goal I need to walk another 1715181 steps.  The only two I'm really worried about not meeting are the miles walked and the steps walked.  I have given myself at a minimum 2 years to meet the weight loss goal. 

On the other front, I had a great sale this weekend at the 2 Sisters Flea Market that is held every 2nd Saturday.  Had some repeat customers from the first time I did this show, and requests for some different items that I can make for the next one. 

I am also looking to selling finished products on Amazon Handmade.  I've read both good and bad things about this one.  Mostly good.  And a few people I have talked to that have been doing it from the start say its getting better.    I am also trying to finish up a couple of more patterns that I want to list on Etsy.  I don't sell a lot of finished products on Etsy, but the one pattern I currently have listed is doing well.  And I need to get some more items listed on Bonanza.  I always seem to sell well on that one.

This week though, I am in the process of redoing the front yard.  I moved into this trailer October 2017, and I am finally getting a chance to do something about the yard.  I am removing all the crushed red brick, and replacing it with succulents and white and river rock.  I really want a fuss free, easy to care for yard.  I hate yard work with a passion.

Well time to get back to work.  More updates coming next week.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Flip Flops, Not Just for Wearing

So I am a week late on my update, sorry, real life got in the way.  But I do have some new photos to share with you.  These are a couple of the flip flop wreaths, and one of the flip flop ice buckets I completed just in time for the farmers market last week. 

Not to bad for a rough idea.   

So for the updates on the personal goals  down another 1.6 pounds, walked another 24.79 miles, and stepped off another 111015 steps.  I promise I will try to get back on track with my weekly updates.